Women receive free seats, coupons, and a free lunch to watch the England vs New Zealand game

Women receive free seats, coupons, and a free lunch to watch the England vs New Zealand game. At the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, between 30,000 and 40,000 women from Ahmedabad will be able to see the England versus. New Zealand (ENG vs. NZ) game on Thursday. According to The Indian Express, local Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders are encouraging women to fill the seats for the opening World Cup 2023 match by offering free tickets and free tea and lunch.

The journal was informed by Lalit Wadhawan, the BJP vice-president for the Bodakdev region, that the idea to invite women to the game was sparked by the Women’s Reservation Bill’s passage in the Parliament in September of this year. He added that the high leadership had given them these tickets.

“Roughly 30,000 to 40,000 women from Ahmedabad will be in the stadium tomorrow to watch the game. Tickets were distributed to them today, and our volunteers have been asked to send the names. See, even the 33% women’s reservation Bill has been passed. a. These women will travel independently to the stadium and receive coupons for tea and snacks.”

The Gujarat Cricket Association (GCA) is working diligently to ensure that cricket fans enjoy the England vs. New Zealand match. Anil Patel, the secretary of the GCA, informed news agency PTI that fans will receive free water at the stadium as the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) had previously announced.

For any emergency, the GCA has also built six miniature ICUs and six medical kiosks inside the Narendra Modi Stadium. During today’s inaugural game, about 3,000 police officers and 600 private security guards will be stationed at the stadium and the surrounding perimeter.

A specific area of seats in the stadium will be reserved for cricket fans who are near death. Twenty cancer-stricken children will watch.

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