During the Boxing Day Test, an ex-Australian player made a jab at Pakistan with a Sourav Ganguly joke; Vaughan agreed; the video went viral

During the Boxing Day Test, an ex-Australian player made a jab at Pakistan with a “Sourav Ganguly” joke; Vaughan agreed; the video went viral. Every time the cricket rivalry between Australia and India is brought up, a well-known anecdote involving Sourav Ganguly and Steve Waugh is told. According to rumors, Ganguly purposefully made Waugh wait at the toss prior to the commencement of the 2001 Test series between Australia and India, and he did so for the duration of the three-match series that India won.

Naturally, Ganguly then cleared the air, claiming that he had forgotten his jacket and was late for the toss in the first Test. However, the former captain acknowledged that he had repeated the excuse in the following two Tests to irritate the Australian captain.

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They are always up for a fierce struggle, just like the Australians are when it comes to cricket. They place equal value on verbal sparring, banter, and sledges as they do on cricket tactics. They actually form a component of their plan. 

Additionally, the opposition usually finds it more enjoyable when they attempt to put out fire with fire. Maybe for that reason, Ganguly will always be regarded as one of the most significant Indian captains.

Evidence of this was evident when former Australian cricketer Kerry O’Keefe used Ganguly’s remarks to make a cheeky jab at Pakistan. The Pakistani team’s Christmas gift-giving to the Australian team and their families before to the Boxing Day Test did not sit well with O’Keefe. O’Keefe asserted that adopting this mentality would make it impossible to defeat Australia.

“Is everyone playing this Test series with the utmost sincerity? In good spirits, you’re not going to defeat Australia. yesterday was Christmas presents. Would Steve Waugh have received Christmas gifts from Sourav Ganguly? No,” O’Keeffe remarked in a Fox Sports video.

The Pakistan Test captain Shan Masood was seen giving a gift to his Australian rival Pat Cummins in a video that the PCB shared on social media, while other Pakistani players were giving chocolates to the Australian players’ families.

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