Khawja, an Australian cricket player, will “fight” to wear shoes that support palestine

Khawja, an Australian cricket player, will “fight” to wear shoes that support palestine. Usman Khawaja, an Australian cricket player, has vowed to “fight” a decision made by the body that oversees the sport, claiming it has prevented him from putting up signs endorsing “those who don’t have a voice.”

Khawaja explained that his message was “not political” and that the “bigger problem” was that people were contacting him to criticize him for his position in an emotional video that he shared on social media.

During Australia’s training session before their Test series against Pakistan, the opening batter was spotted wearing cricket boots with the words “all lives are equal” and “freedom is a human right” written on them in the colours of the Palestinian flag.

Players are not permitted to wear apparel or equipment with “non-compliant” wording or logos during international matches, according to International Cricket Council (ICC) regulations.

This indicates that starting on Thursday, December 14, during Australia’s first Test match against Pakistan, the batter will not be permitted to wear the boots.

Khawaja declared “ I will fight and seek to gain approval, but I will respect their views and decision” .“ I am just giving voice to those who are voiceless.”

According  to Khawaja, his message was not “political” in the eyes of the ICC because he was speaking up for the thousands of children who are being killed (In Ghaza)” without any remorse.”

Health and government representatives in the besieged region of Gaza claims that since the conflict started in the october, at least 7,700 children have died there. 

In the video he continued, No one chooses where they are born, and then I see the world turning their back on them. My heart can’t take it.”

The 36 year old was born in Islamabad, the capital of pakistan, and later moved to Australia when he was a young child. He has frequently discussed his journey through the Australian cricket circuit and the challenges he has encountered.  

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