The Cricket World Cup trophy arrived at the Taj Mahal

The Cricket World Cup trophy arrived at the Taj Mahal.India is hosting the ICC Cricket World Cup for the first time in 12 years. It will begin on October 5. There are now fewer than 50 days left in this. In this circumstance, ICC has begun making preparations for promotion. A shining trophy was held in the hands of some individuals when they arrived at the Taj Mahal on Wednesday morning at 7:30.

The trophy was set up atop the Taj Mahal’s pedestal for videotaping. The tourists stopped as soon as their gazes landed on the prize. Following that, travellers competed to capture the prize in films and selfies. The security guards had a hard time controlling the crowd. Later, people received distantly filmed photographs and videos. Bouncers were stationed around the venue at the time.

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Prince Vajpayee, the Taj Mahal’s conservation aide, said that authorization from the ICC was requested in order to shoot the prize. It took roughly an hour for the shooting to end. Who participated in the shooting on behalf of the ICC or BCCI remains unknown.

Two months ago, the trophy was launched into space. With the aid of a balloon and the assistance of the American commercial space company “St Into Space,” the ICC launched the trophy into space. After ascending to 12,000 feet above the earth’s surface, the prize was then presented in the stratosphere. The trophy was then brought to Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium. The trophy’s world tour was also disclosed along with this.

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